You have opened the doors to your practice. You have the perfect location with a nicely designed office area. Your technology is up to date, in addition to hired a knowledgeable and friendly staff. You might have a little core of reliable patients but start to notice that about to catch experiencing steady progress, or not at the level you wish. You know that it is time for some marketing and advertising. Maybe you are contemplating featuring a service on Groupon or another coupon usage site, having your personnel post on interpersonal media every week, buying some Google AdWords to help SEO existence, or even mailing your staff to hand out brochures at local health fairs.
During a month, your practice may be solicited at least a dozen times by various print, TV, coupon usage sites, online ads, and other advertising opportunities from sales suppliers in the community. You can't possibly do all of the advertising options presented for you. Which ones will get the finest return and which of them will be a waste of your hard-earned money? You may choose to take a chance on a few advertising possibilities while crossing your fingers and expecting that one works.
I call this approach "blindfold marketing"- randomly selecting a variety of media with a variety of messages, wishing that you will hit something valuable. The particular problem with blindfold marketing is that it is generally not cost effective, it piteuxs your audience, and it does not always build considerable trust, value, or recognition to your brand or marketing campaign. While there is some calculated risk in advertising-the blindfold approach is dangerous long term, since a significant percentage of your growth is reliant on these promoting initiatives.
In assessments with numerous practices across the country, I actually have found four major problem areas that commonly impede effective practice marketing: lack of identity, absence of brand concept strategy, insufficient or improper marketing tools, and no structured plan/campaign. Addressing these four areas for your practice marketing can save years of frustration, money, and guesswork.
Who Are A person? Know who you are to enable you to explain to others therefore that they will identify your unique "signature" (your brand). Most simply, your "brand" is what people know and think about your practice. If they don't know who you are or that you exist-you don't really have a brand identity.
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